I'm moving all the recipes to my other food blog, sorry for it. Please visit: http://bread-machine-use.blogspot.it/ Thank you very much!

About me

Welcome to my Green Cousine. My name is Silvia, born in Milan 34 years ago and grew up in a town near Milan, not really green but quiet and provincial.

Hardened dreamer, always looking for something extraordinary to do, I find myself semi-unemployed, free lance and blogger. Saying the truth, I still have not figured out what I want to do in life. Sooner or later, who knows.

I was born with a passion for horses and the meadows. I love music, painting and photography, I like to write, read and criticize the film as if I were a director consumed.

Environmental issues, philosophy, and science fiction, are food for my brain. I try to be environmentally friendly without sacrificing technology. I feel a kind of cyber-romance woman. I like computer, internet, and I could not live without them, even if my ideal place, has always been the countryside.

Green Cousine is the english version of my italian foodblog: La Cucina Green. 
Born at the end of 2011 as a blog of only-recipes, then, slowly I decided to add articles on recycling, renewable energy and other things that were interesting me. I'm excited to think that perhaps, after many years, when who knows where I'll be, this virtual space will still exist, and it will become a sort of album of memories:  my mom recipes for example. To her, a great person, mother and friend at the same time, I owe much of what I know about cooking. 

My philosophy in the kitchen is: taste and simplicity preferring the substance. I cook to eat well and to fill satisfied, and sometimes I mess up.  Whether in the kitchen to the outside world, I try to live with enthusiasm by appreciating the little things even though I realize that it is not easy.

In these dark times and out of control, where work is scarce or precarious as walking on a tightrope, trying to invent something, trying to turn my 'blogging', in a small business enterprise, with an economic return over and spiritual. If you see  the banner ads placed here and there know that I do not like, but in this time of crisis are my little alternative source of livelihood. Be forgiving.

To all of you who want to contribute to the growth of my blog, I say thank you, and again THANK YOU!

HAPPY 2013! 

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